Oslo Spirituelle Filmklubb viser: In Search of the Great Song
Lørdag 28. januar. Kl. 14:00.
In Search of the Great Song
“In Search of the Great Song” utforsker og feirer menneskehetens nedarvede forbindelse til den underliggende skapende puls. En puls som stiger frem og uttrykker seg unikt gjennom alt og alle.
Femti stemmer. Tolv land. Ett spørsmål.
«What is the Great Song ?» spørsmålet er stilt til kunstnere, forskere og kunnskapsbærere fra ulike kulturer over hele verden. Fylt av naturens lyder og bilder, sammen med musikk fra hele verden, vever 50 unike stemmer et tidløst teppe av materialisert visdom.
Med: Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq • Angeles Arrien • Rinaldo Brutoco • Michael Fitzpatrick • Gangaji • Dana Gioia • Amit Goswami • Gyuto Monks • Thich Nhat Hanh • Angela Hewitt • Chungliang Al Huang • Rabbi Irwin Kula • Tito la Rosa • Morten Lauridsen • Paul Mealor • Deva Premal • Alex Shapiro • Br. David Steindl-Rast • David Whyte • Gary Zukav og 30 flere.
Musikk av: Jason Becker • Chamber Choir of Europe • Chanticleer • Ilan Chester • Michael Fitzpatrick • Ola Gjeilo • Angela Hewitt • Insingizi • Morten Lauridsen • Gary Malkin • Paul Mealor • Deva Premal • Alex Shapiro • The Singers • Stephan Thelen • Voces8 og flere.
Song Without Borders is an initiative celebrating ‘the Great Song’, the original sound vibration. We produce resources which catalyze expression, honor the music within and celebrate the connection between one’s inner song and the Great Song.
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Originaltittel: In Search of the Great Song
Sjanger: Dokumentar
Filmslipp: 2015
Regissør: Michael Stillwater
Produksjonssselskap: A Song Without Borders Production
Produksjonsland: Flere steder
Aldersgrense: ingen
Språk: Engelsk
Undertekst: Ingen
Lengde: 1 t 24 min
Nettside: thegreatsong.net
Filmen selges hos: thegreatsong.net/dvd-search-great-song
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Vi har også gleden av ønske velkommen Mikael Khei som innleder.
Mikael hadde for kort tid siden gleden av å se filmen sammen med
produsentene Michael Stillwater og Doris Laesser Stillwater. Vår
Mikael har jobbet med rytme og lyd i 20 år og vil levendegjøre
hovedspørsmålet i filmen.
Mikael jobber som spesialpedagog i den videregående skole. Han er
også sertifisert Taketina rytmelærer, mentor hos Village Music
Circles, sertifisert biodanza lærer og NLP master practitioner.
About the movie In Search of the Great Song.
In Search of the Great Song
In spoken word, sound and music this documentary explores and celebrates the universal current pulsing through all life. The question asked of people from different cultures and traditions– faith leaders, artists, scientists, philosophers, indigenous elders and others: “What is the Great Song for you?”(April, 2016)
With Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq • Angeles Arrien • Rinaldo Brutoco • Michael Fitzpatrick • Gangaji • Dana Gioia • Amit Goswami • Gyuto Monks • Thich Nhat Hanh • Angela Hewitt • Chungliang Al Huang • Rabbi Irwin Kula • Tito la Rosa • Morten Lauridsen • Paul Mealor • Deva Premal • Alex Shapiro • Br. David Steindl-Rast • David Whyte • Gary Zukav and 30 more.
Music by Jason Becker • Chamber Choir of Europe • Chanticleer • Ilan Chester • Michael Fitzpatrick • Ola Gjeilo • Angela Hewitt • Insingizi • Morten Lauridsen • Gary Malkin • Paul Mealor • Deva Premal • Alex Shapiro • The Singers • Stephan Thelen • Voces8 and others.
Some responses
“A feast for the eyes, the ears, the mind, the limbic system of the brain and much more. This film is a masterpiece, an inner bridge to the Self that will leave you richer, long after you’ve seen it.” -Shuddha Anami, MD.
“A deeply textured and mystically poetic ode to the divine integration between nature, song, music and the great mystery, it will captivate your soul!” -Ronald A. Alexander Ph.D. author, Wise Mind Open Mind.
“This noble, heart-centered, moving exploration penetrates to the depth of the life that breathes all of us, the song that sings all of us. Sit back, relax, and let your soul be sung. Here is a gift for the spirit.” -Alan Cohen; Author, A Deep Breath of Life
Song Without Borders is an initiative celebrating ‘the Great Song’, the original sound vibration. We produce resources which catalyze expression, honor the music within and celebrate the connection between one’s inner song and the Great Song.
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