Oslo Spirituelle Filmklubb viser: The Path: Beyond the Physical
Lørdag 29. april. Kl. 14:00.
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Om Robert Monroe
Gateway Voyage® Affirmation
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The Path: Beyond the Physical
“The Greatest Illusion is that mankind has limitations” – Robert Monroe
Dokumentaren “The Path: Beyond the physical” er fortellingen om Robert Monroe, en vellykket businessman som jobbet i radioen da han begynte å erfare ut-av-kroppen opplevelser. Han var sikker på at han var døden nær og gikk til flere leger for å bli undersøkt. De kunne ikke finne noe i veien med ham. En lege sa at slike opplevelser kjente de til i India, men Robert hadde ikke tid til å dra dit, og bestemte seg for å undersøke det som hendte med ham på egenhånd. Mens han fortsatte sin suksessfylte karriere begynte Monroe å eksperimentere og utforske den utvidede delen av den menneskelige bevissthet. Han skrev ned sine tidlige erfaringer med en reporters objektivitet og øye for detaljer. Da Robert skulle inn til en komplisert hjerteoperasjon ga han notatene til en nær venn som skulle passe på dem. Det tok måneder før Robert var frisk igjen etter operasjonen og spurte om å få tilbake notatene. Han ble da fortalt av vennen at notatene var blitt gitt videre til et forlag som hadde lyst til å utgi dem i bokform. Robert var i tvil. Han var businessman og var usikker på hvordan det sosiale miljøet i Manhatten ville reagere på innholdet. På den annen side så ville en utgivelse også gi ham mulighet til å snakke med andre som visste mer om dette en han selv. I 1971 ble boken utgitt under tittelen “Journeys out of the body.” Utgivelsen som inneholder Robert Monroes nedtegnelser av ut av kroppen erfaringer i tilstander som overskrider rom, tid og død har betrygget utallige mennesker som har hatt paranormale erfaringer. Dette initierte det som senere skulle bli til Monroe Instituttet.
I filmen får vi ta del i hendelsene som førte til stiftelsen av Monroe Instituttet og arbeidet der den første tiden. Vi får høre fortellinger fra flere som har opplevd å gå ut av kroppen og hvordan de opplevde å være tilstedeværende i dimensjoner som ligger bortenfor vår daglige bevissthet. Dokumentaren undersøker temaer som livet etter døden, ut-av-kroppen-opplevelser, remote viewing, multidimensjoner, ulike former for bevissthet. Områder av liv som er tilstede utenfor våre fysiske kropper og daglige bevissthet. Filmen forteller også om metoder som man kan benytte for å endre sin bevissthet slik at det er mulig å kunne erfare andre dimensjoner og aspekter av vår eksistens mens vi fortsatt er i våre fysiske kropper.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item id=”tek” title=” “]Teknisk informasjon
Originaltittel: The Path: Beyond the Physical
Sjanger: Dokumentar
Filmslipp: 2013
Regissør: Michael Habernig
Produksjonssselskap: Path11 Productions
Produksjonsland: Flere steder
Aldersgrense: ingen
Språk: Engelsk
Undertekst: Ingen
Lengde: 1 t 32 min
Nettside: monroeinstitute.org
Filmen selges hos: path11productions.com/the-films/beyond-the-physical/
Founder of Monroe Institute
It All Started with Robert (Bob) Monroe
Robert Monroe was a successful and distinguished business executive, dedicated family man, and noted pioneer in the investigation of human consciousness. He also invented Hemi-Sync® and founded The Monroe Institute®, a worldwide organization dedicated to expanding human potential.
Born in Indiana on October 30, 1915, to a college professor father and medical doctor mother and raised in Lexington, Kentucky, Robert Monroe was the third of four children.
After a childhood spent in Kentucky and Indiana, he attended Ohio State University. Upon graduating in 1937 with a BA in English, Monroe worked as a writer and director at two Ohio radio stations. Two years later he moved to New York and expanded his broadcasting career, producing and directing weekly radio programs and eventually forming his own radio production company. During the 1950s his company was producing 28 radio shows per month, including the popular Take a Number and Meet Your Match quiz shows. At this time Monroe became well known as a composer of music for radio, television, and motion pictures.
He also served as vice president and a member of the board of directors for the Mutual Broadcasting System network, was listed in Who’s Who in America, and was publicized in magazine and newspaper articles on flying and radio production. Building on this success, Monroe’s production company acquired several radio stations in North Carolina and Virginia and later moved into developing cable television systems.
In 1956 the firm set up a research and development division to study the effects of various sound patterns on human consciousness, including the feasibility of learning during sleep. Never one to ask others to do something he would not, Monroe often used himself as a test subject for this research. In 1958, a significant result emerged—Monroe began experiencing a state of consciousness separate and apart from the physical body. He described the state as an “out of body experience,” the term popularized by Charles T. Tart, Ph.D. a leader in the area of consciousness studies. These spontaneous experiences altered the course of Monroe’s life and the direction of his professional efforts.
BOB04.jpgWhile continuing his successful broadcasting activities, Monroe began to experiment and research the expanded forms of human consciousness that he was experiencing. He chronicled his early explorations with a reporter’s objectivity and eye for detail in a groundbreaking book, Journeys Out of the Body, which was published in 1971. This public record of his out of body experiences in states beyond space, time, and death has comforted countless people who’ve encountered paranormal incidents. It also attracted the attention of academic researchers, medical practitioners, engineers, and other professionals.
Ever the pragmatic business leader, Monroe, and a growing group of fellow researchers began to work on methods of inducing and controlling this and other forms of consciousness in a laboratory setting. This research led to the development of a noninvasive and easy to use audio-guidance technology known as hemispheric synchronization or Hemi-Sync. In 1974, the original research group was expanded to become The Monroe Institute, an organization dedicated to conducting seminars in the control and exploration of human consciousness. A year later, Monroe was issued the first of three patents for “Frequency Following Response” or FFR, which is part of the Hemi-Sync method of altering brain states through sound.
Throughout the next 20 years, Monroe continued to explore, research, and teach others about expanded states of human consciousness and practical methods of enhancing human potential. He developed a series of multi-day workshops that enable participants to personally experience realms beyond physical time-space reality, built a campus for teaching and research, and created a portfolio of audio exercises designed to focus attention, reduce stress, improve meditation, enhance sleep, and manage pain among other applications.
In 1985 he wrote a second book, titled Far Journeys, which expanded upon his personal investigations of nonphysical reality. In 1994 he followed suit with a third book, Ultimate Journey, which explores basic truths about the meaning and purpose of life and what lies beyond the limits of our physical world. Monroe died in 1995, at the age of 79. His legacy continues today and has touched the lives of literally millions of people all around the world.
If you attended the Gateway Voyage® residential program at The Monroe Institute in the last 10 to 15 years, you missed the evening talks with Bob Monroe. Prior to his death in 1995, Bob talked with Gateway Voyage participants on Saturday evenings, their first night at the Institute, and on Wednesday evenings after they had experienced the exploration of Focus 21, a bridge to other realities. Wednesday’s talks were particularly precious to participants as they had experienced for themselves by that time the very realms Bob spoke of during those Wednesday evening discussions.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item id=”affirmation” title=” “]Gateway Voyage® Affirmation
I am more than my physical body.
Because I am more than physical matter,
I can perceive that which is greater than
the physical world.
Therefore, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience;
to Know, to Understand; to Control, to
Use such greater energies and energy systems
as may be beneficial and constructive to me and
to those who follow me.
Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation,
the assistance, the understanding of those
individuals whose wisdom, development
and experience are equal or greater than my own.
I ask their guidance and protection from any influence
or any source that might provide me with less than my stated desires.
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[/accordion-item] [accordion-item id=”aboutmovie” title=” “]About the movie The Path: Beyond the Physical
The Path: Beyond the Physical
The filmmakers of The Path: Afterlife brings to their viewers the second DVD in the trilogy, The Path documentary series, entitled The Path: Beyond the Physical (BTP). The Path: Beyond the Physical investigates topics about life after death, out-of-body experiences, multiple-dimensions, remote viewing, consciousness and all the realms that fall beyond outside of our physical bodies. BTP focuses on ways in which humans can shift their consciousness in order to experience the non-physical aspects of our existence while living in the physical body. The film will take the audience through a 93 minute journey of some of the first explorers of out-of-body experiences like Robert Monroe, to the once classified military mission of remote viewing, while the experts in the film educate the audience about tools like hemi-sync music that can enhance the out-of-body experience.
All of the Path Documentary DVD Series will be showcasing the knowledge and opinions of many experts like the former President and Executive Director of the Monroe Institute in Faber, VA, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational and research organization dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness, which is internationally known for its work with audio sound patterns that can have dramatic effects on states of consciousness, along with leading out-of-body expert William Buhlman and a NASA nuclear physicist, noted lecturer and explorer of consciousness Thomas Campbell, from Huntsville, Alabama.
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