Oslo Spirituelle Filmklubb viser:
– An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret
Lørdag 27. mai. Kl. 14:00.
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Om Steven Greer
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Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret
Steven M Greer, mangeårig UFOlog og lege er nå aktuell med sin andre dokumentar om fenomenet. “Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the Worlds Greatest Secret” tar bl.a for seg det historiske materialet som fremkom under “The Disclosure Project”.
I 1993 grunnla Steven M. Greer “The Disclosure project” med det formål å bringe informasjon som omhandlet kontakt med skapninger fra andre deler av universet frem i offentligheten. I mai 2001 holdt Greer en pressekonferanse på “The National Press Club” i Washington D.C der han presenterte 20 pensjonerte Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration og etterrettningsoffiserer, som delte sine erfaringer og direkte opplevelser med UFO fenomenet og som krevde at kongressen skulle begynne høringer om USAs hemmelig involvering med UFO og utenomjordiske skapninger.
The evidence for interstellar civilizations will be presented, along with evidence of an illegal cartel hiding from the public and Presidents alike the truth that we are not alone and that we now know how they get here.
An expose of these technological developments -begun just after WWII – will explain the reason behind the secrecy: Oil, the PetroDollar, coal, public utilities, surface roads, jets and all current means of energy generation and transportation will be rendered obsolete once the truth is known. It is time.
Unacknowledged will vividly paint a picture of the profound existential crisis and choice now facing humanity and the Earth: Continue with the status quo and face a near-extinction event, or embrace a new world free of poverty, pollution and an interstellar future. The one path leads to endless war, global climate and environmental catastrophe and upheaval; the other a world of peace, abundance and a sustainable interstellar civilization for thousand of years yet to come. The Choice is ours to make.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item id=”tek” title=” “]Teknisk informasjon
Originaltittel: Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret
Sjanger: Dokumentar
Filmslipp: 2017
Regissør: Michael Mazzola
Produksjonssselskap: STAR – Unacknowledged, LLC og The Orchard
Produksjonsland: Flere steder
Aldersgrense: ingen
Språk: Engelsk
Undertekst: Ingen
Lengde: 1 t 43 min
Nettside: siriusdisclosure.com
Filmen selges hos: siriusdisclosure.com
Internasjonal UFO konferanse på Stiklestad Nasjonale kultursenter og hotell,
29. september – 1. oktober 2017.
Velkommen til vår femte og foreløpig siste UFO konferanse! Det er fem årsjubileum iår, og programmet er om mulig ennå mere spennende enn tidligere.
Lenke til konferansens nettside ufokonferanse.com
Årets tema er kontakt med våre brødre og søstre i universet.
Hvem kontakter oss og hvorfor? Hvilken betydning har det?
Stiklestad er et perfekt sted for en slik konferanse.
Det går en ley-line gjennom Stiklestad og videre til Nidarosdomen. Det har og vært to kornsirkler på Stiklestad, en på 50-tallet og en i 2001. Dessuten har det vært gjort en rekke UFO observasjoner i dette området. Vi vil også denne gang ha Skywatch om kveldene. Landskapet er åpent, har spredt bebyggelse og god utsikt i alle himmelretninger. Disse blir ikke fast bestemt på forhånd, da de er væravhengig.
Vi gjør oppmerksom på at dette blir vår siste UFO konferanse, da fokuset nå blir dreid mot å gjøre så mange som mulig oppmerksom på de katastrofale miljø konsekvensene av den verdensomspennende geoengineering (værmodifikasjon)som pågår. Det blir derfor ingen flere UFO-konferanser inntil videre.
Robert Salas, USA
Veronica Paz Wells, Peru
Paola Harris, USA
Gary Heseltine, Storbritannia
Suzanne Hansen, New Zealand
Esen Sekerkarar, Tyrkia
Whitley Strieber, USA (Skype)
Bill Ryan, USA (Skype)
Se nettsiden for mer informasjon og påmelding: ufokonferanse.com
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About Steven Greer
Les også mer her: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_M._Greer
Greer was born in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1955. Greer claims to have seen an unidentified flying object at close range when he was about eight years old, which inspired his interest in ufology. He was trained as a Transcendental Meditation teacher and served as director of a meditation organization.
Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research, LLC.
Father of the Disclosure movement, he presided over the groundbreaking National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001. Over 20 military, government, intelligence and corporate witnesses presented compelling testimony regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms visiting the planet, and the reverse engineering of the energy and propulsion systems of these craft. Over one billion people heard of the press conference through the original webcast and on subsequent media coverage on BBC, CNN, CNN Worldwide, Voice of America, Pravda, Chinese media, and media outlets throughout Latin America. The webcast had 250,000 people waiting online – the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club at that time.
He has worked for 17 years to bring together the scientists, inventors and leaders in society to advance new clean technology energy systems. He is considered one of the world’s foremost authorities on the strategic process of transforming our carbon-based civilization to a long-term sustainable civilization using innovative sciences and technology.
A lifetime member of Alpha Omega Alpha, the nation’s most prestigious medical honor society, Dr. Greer has now retired as an emergency physician to work on these projects.
He is the author of four insightful books and multiple DVDs on the UFO/ET subject. He teaches groups throughout the world how to make peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and continues to research bringing truly alternative energy sources out to the public. Dr. Greer has studied the Sanskrit Vedas extensively and has been teaching mantra meditation for over 30 years.
Dr. Greer has been seen and heard by millions world-wide on CBS, the BBC, The Discovery Channel, the History channel, The Ancient Aliens series, Thrive and through many news outlets worldwide. He is currently working on a documentary “Sirius” which will be available Spring 2013.
His message is one of hope – that these energy systems can soon be available worldwide. His goal is to assist in the creation of a sustainable, peaceful civilization on Earth that is both high tech and in harmony with the environment.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item id=”innleder” title=” “]Om innleder
Filmskaper Terje Toftenes vil holde en presentasjon før filmen begynner. Toftenes som er en del av New Paradigm film var nylig aktuell med dokumentar filmen Bevissthetens Kreative Spill. Det vil være mulig å kjøpe filmer og annet material i forbindelse med visningen.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item id=”aboutmovie” title=” “]About the movie Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret
In the aftermath of the most successful crowd-funded documentary in history, Sirius, Dr. Greer and his team have produced “Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World’s Greatest Secret”.
“Unacknowledged” focus on the historic files of the Disclosure Project and how UFO secrecy has been ruthlessly enforced – and why. In 1993 Steven M. Greer founded the disclosure project to promote the concept of disclosing allegedly suppressed evidence of extraterrestrials. In May 2001, Greer held a press conferance at the National Press Club in Washington D.C that featured 20 retired Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration and intelligence officers, who demanded that Congress begin hearings on secret U.S. Involvement with UFOs and extraterrestrials.
With over 100 hours of top-secret military, corporate and intelligence whistleblower testimony, thousands of Top Secret documents and 25 years of behind the scenes meetings with the world’s elite, Dr. Greer will take the viewer on a journey both astonishing, disturbing and inspiring.
The evidence for interstellar civilizations will be presented, along with evidence of an illegal cartel hiding from the public and Presidents alike the truth that we are not alone and that we now know how they get here.
An expose of these technological developments -begun just after WWII – will explain the reason behind the secrecy: Oil, the PetroDollar, coal, public utilities, surface roads, jets and all current means of energy generation and transportation will be rendered obsolete once the truth is known. It is time.
Unacknowledged will vividly paint a picture of the profound existential crisis and choice now facing humanity and the Earth: Continue with the status quo and face a near-extinction event, or embrace a new world free of poverty, pollution and an interstellar future. The one path leads to endless war, global climate and environmental catastrophe and upheaval; the other a world of peace, abundance and a sustainable interstellar civilization for thousand of years yet to come. The Choice is ours to make.
Interviews from Unacknowledged Red Carpet Premiere.
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