Lørdag 18. november. Kl. 14:00
viser Oslo Spirituelle Filmklubb:
filmens trailer / movie trailer
teknisk informasjon
About the Samadhi Center and the director
Samadhi – Maya, the illusion of the self
I denne filmen forbinder han verdens tidlige religiøse og filosofiske tradisjoner med fantastisk flerdimensjonal hellig geometri, drømmelignende musikk og dypdykk inn i meditasjonens filosofi. Målet er Samadhi. Samadhi er et gammelt sanskrit ord som det ikke finnes noe dekkende moderne ord for.
Det er en grunnleggende utfordring i det å ønske å lage en film om Samadhi.
Det Samadhi peker mot kan ikke fattes av dagsbevisstheten.
Intensjonen med denne filmen er ikke å undervise i Samadhi eller å bidra med informasjon for dagsbevisstheten, men å inspirere tilskuerne til å direkte erfare sin egen sanne natur. Samadhi er mer aktuelt nå enn noensinne. Vi lever i en tid i historien hvor vi ikke bare har glemt Samadhi, vi har glemt hva vi har glemt. Det er Maya, sinnets illusjon.
Teknisk informasjon
Originaltittel: Samadhi – Maya, the illusion of the self
Sjanger: Dokumentar
Filmslipp: 2017
Regissør: Daniel Schmidt
Musikk: Genaro Murray
Artwork: Vrindavin Das, Stuart Griggs, Ashley Christudason
Produksjonsselskap: REM Publishing Ltd (Responsible Earth Media)
Produksjonsland: Canada
Aldersgrense: ingen
Språk: Engelsk
Undertekst: Ingen
Lengde: 1 t
Nettside: samadhi.ca
Filmen selges hos: samadhi.ca/Store.html
About the Samadhi Center and the director
The Samadhi Center is located in a very quiet corner of Ontario, just south of Algonquin park, nestled among several hundred acres of beautiful forest and bordered by the Little Mississippi River. We are very conscious of the beneficial effects of being in nature and have made sustainable operations our priority. To this end, the Samadhi Center building is an off-grid solar powered building with a geodesic growing dome on site. The synergies between the natural environment and the meditation retreats we hold helps to connect participants with their inner stillness.
The Samadhi Center was founded by Daniel Schmidt as an outer reflection of his inner world. His own inner guidance led him to create the Center as a space for meditators to gather and awaken to their true nature.
Daniel has been practicing meditation and self inquiry for over 20 years, and draws on many different traditions in his teachings. He has been teaching meditation for 9 years and is the creator of the award-winning film “Inner Worlds Outer Worlds” as well as the ongoing “Samadhi” series. Most recently Daniel released a series of guided meditations and teachings as a practical guide to realizing Samadhi.
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Samadhi – Maya, the illusion of the self
Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word that means Union.
It is union of the individual persona, the egoic self with something greater. Something unfathomable to the mind.
Samadhi is a surrendering. A humbling of individual mind, to universal mind. The purpose of all meditation. Yoga, prayer and spiritual attainment, is Samadhi.
In the language of the Christian mystics it is humbling oneself before God.
Samadhi is realized through what the great Buddha called the middle way. Or what in Daoismen is called the balance of Ying and Yang. In the Yogic traditions it is called the marriage of Shiva and Shakti.
When Samadhi is perfect it is wisdom of the great reality. (Pradsna or Panja.) An understanding of the relationship between the form and emptiness. Relative and absolute.
It is the coming into ones true nature.
Samadhi begins with a leap into the unknown.
When one is in a state of natural presence and non resistance Prama (prana) flows more freely through the inner world. This pramic stream which is prior to the nervous system, prior to the senses and thinking, becomes a new interface with reality. Literally a new level of consciousness. Or a new way of being in the world.
It is through the ancient teachings of Samadhi that humanity will begin to understand the common source of all religions and come into the alignment once again with the spiral of life. Great Spirit. Dharma. Or the Dao.