Lørdag 24. mars Kl. 14:00
viser Oslo Spirituelle Filmklubb:
Talking Story: A personal Journey into Spirit and Healing.
Denne prisbelønte dokumentaren, som det tok filmskaper og initiativtaker Marie-Rose Phan-Lê 11 år å ferdigstille, beskriver livet, ritualene og visdommen til helbredere og spirituelle ledere fra ulike kulturer i verden. Filmens unike tilnærming, Marie-Rose sin personlige reise for å hente tilbake kraften fra sine familierøtter, humaniserer kampen for kulturell bevaring og betydningen av å opprettholde de forskjellige måtene hver kultur oppfatter verden. Filmen fortelles gjennom hennes perspektiv, en aspirerende healer, født i Vietnam og oppvokst i Vesten.
Marie-Rose forteller: I Hawaii når en invitasjon er sendt ut, så vil verten si – kom hit og la oss snakke historier. Talking Stories handler om å ta tid til å dvele ved detaljene i det hverdagslige, for å fundere over det helliges nærvær, og å overgi enhver struktur av tid eller agenda. Det er å praktisere kunsten å lytte og å være til stede.
Da jeg begynte produksjonen av Talking Story med å reise fra Hawaii til Himalaya, tok det ikke lang tid før jeg innså at for å være istand til å få tilgang til helbredelsestradisjoner og helbredere i fjerne områder av verden, måtte jeg praktisere Talking Story. Det var ikke rom for effektive intervjuer, ingen produksjonsskjemaer, ingen måte å forbli en anonym tilskuer til andre menneskers visdom og erfaring. «
I løpet av filmen forflyttes vi gjennom verdener fylt av eksotiske steder, hellige praksiser og praktiske anvendelser i kunsten å helbrede. Fra regnskogene i Peru til Himalayas høyder. Det som trer frem er en serie intime portretter av helbredere og spirituelle lærere. Talking Stories.
[/accordion-item] [accordion-item id=”tek” title=” “]Teknisk informasjon
Originaltittel: Talking Story – A Personal Journey into Spirit and Healing
Sjanger: Dokumentar
Filmslipp: 2011
Regissør: Marie-Rose Phan-Lê
Produksjonsselskap: Festival Media
Produksjonsland: Flere land
Aldersgrense: ingen
Språk: Engelsk
Undertekst: Ingen
Lengde: 1 t 25 min
Nettside: marierose.com/talking-story-film
Filmen selges hos: marierose.com/talking-story-film
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Om innleder
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Talking Story – A Personal Journey into Spirit and Healing
The Film is an award-winning documentary that chronicles the lives, rituals and wisdom of healers and spiritual leaders from diverse world cultures. Its unique approach of utilizing the personal journey humanizes the fight for cultural preservation and the importance of maintaining the different ways each culture perceives the world.
Talking Story: The Film is told from the unique perspective of Marie-Rose Phan-Lê, an apprentice healer born in Vietnam and educated in the West. The film transports the viewer into a world of exotic places, sacred practices and practical applications in the art of healing, from the rainforests of Peru to the heights of the Himalayas. What emerges is a series of intimate portraits of healers and spiritual teachers as both human and divine. The personal journey serves as a thread guiding the audience and introducing them to an expanded worldview and a deeper connection between modern life and ancient traditions.
In Hawaii, when an invitation is extended, the host will say, “Come over and let’s talk story.” Talking story is about taking
the time to linger over the details of the mundane, to ponder the realms of the profound, and to surrender any structure of time or agenda. It is practicing the art of listening and of being present. As I began production of the Talking Story
documentary project, traveling from Hawaii to the Himalayas, it wasn’t long before I realized that in order for me to access healing traditions and healers in remote areas of the world, I would have to practice talking story.
There would be no hit-and-run interviews, no rigid film production schedules, no way to remain an anonymous gleaner of other
people’s wisdom and experiences.
In the years since I returned from traveling the world and spending hours talking story with spiritual teachers and healers, there have been many advances in technology that make some aspects of our lives easier, with instant connectivity to information and individuals, while eroding our ability to connect deeply and intimately with the person next to us.
Since my mission has been to preserve endangered traditions and practices, I’m here to raise the red flag and tell the world
we are in danger of losing the tradition of talking story and the gifts that come with its practice. Sharing our narratives and feeling seen is one of the most powerful tools to help us heal from disease, engage in transformation,
and move through challenges. We are given courage when we feel supported by those around us—our sangha. We need to
know each other beyond social-media posts, to look each other in the eye, to extend a hand or offer a shoulder, and to be willing to not only give each other the time of day but the space of heart. Let this call to action be to
talk story until our bellies hurt from sharing laughs, our hearts break from sharing grief, and our spirits grow from sharing precious moments with the gift of our presence.